If you are experiencing housing instability, you may qualify for additional services from Gaston School District.
If you are living in any of the following situations:
- Shared housing with other friends.
- Runaway/homeless youth, and students who are not living with a parent or legally court-appointed guardian.
- Temporary or transitional housing.
- Emergency or domestic violence shelters.
- Motels or hotels.
- Campgrounds or inadequate trailer homes.
- Substandard housing including pest infestation, homes without heat, water or working appliances.
- Cars, abandoned buildings, parks, the streets or other pulic places.
We may be able to help you:
- Enroll in school.
- Remain in your school if you move to another area.
- With transportation to and from school.
- Receive free or reduced cost school meals.
- Social referrals.
- Other services.
Gaston School District McKinney-Vento Liaison: For more information or assistance, please contact Carolyn Lowery at 503-985-0210 ext 1265 or