Greyhound Greetings

Welcome to Gaston Jr/Sr High School!

2024-25 Bell Schedule

24-25 Bell Schedule

  • Pay Your Fees Online! 

    Click HERE to pay your sports fees online at the ASB Gaston Greyhound webstore.  Please note any fines that are owed still need to go through the high school office.

  • School Attendance Hours (7-12):
    8:00AM - 3:00 PM, M-F
    **2:00PM Early Release Every Wednesday!**

    Office Hours:
    7:00AM - 4:00PM, M-F

    Jr/Sr High Office Address
    300 Park Street Bldg D
    Gaston, OR 97119 

    Contact Us!


    Phone: 503-985-7516
    Fax: 503-985-3279

    Say hello to our office staff below!

  • Counseling Center
  • Office
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